Wednesday, May 20, 2009

omg ponies

PinUp Girl called ... they're having a major event this weekend and are going to be actively promoting my jewelry!

This could be really, really big. Cross your fingers :-D

You've got to be kidding me

Let's just say that, of all the reasons to end a 14 year friendship, "You dyed your hair pink" should NOT be at the top of the list.

Moving on ...

Not much else happening. I got diagnosed with the flu yesterday, which sucks in all sorts of nasty ways. I'm quarantined for approximately a week and am on TamiFlu now.

Also, John returned from 3 weeks in Antigua at 1am Tuesday morning. Yay to seeing him again, Boo to being sick right when he gets home ...

Let's see ... just a lot of internal stuff, mostly. Not a whole lot I'm up to talking about publicly at this point :-)

The end.

Monday, May 18, 2009

cout: "Hello, World!";

Well hello. I'm not new to the blogosphere, but this is my first public blog that isn't focused primarily on my various fledgling businesses.
Anyway, welcome to my little world ... there's tea and cookies in the corner, if you like.